Nibiru's acceleration ratio for Earth after Pole shift, And how long the Anti Christ shall stay on Earth ?
We all have heard or read about Nibiru's AKA planet X stories from the Bible, Kolbrin Bible, Book of Enoch, Artabanus, The Zetas, Edgar Casey Prophecy, Marshall Masters, The three sisters and the vatican, Nostradamus and a lot more.
We also got to know the similarities which is quite enormous, yet the minor differences in between.
Now we're looking for more new pieces of information that might tell us more about the planet X, Or that would give us more insight about what's going to happen, How and when ?
Thats why i wanted to share what's been said about the planet from the Islamic & Arabic culture's point of view, and there are two sources;
1- Qur'an, the Muslim's holy book.
2-Hadeeth. or was was said to be told by the last Prophet Mohamed.
wether you agree or not to hear from this side, there are a lots of similarities, yet new data worth's looking at.
For example:
This Hadeeth hereunder says that the Anti Christ shall stay on Earth for 40 nights and days, One day shall be as long as a year, the second day shall be as long as a month, the third day shall be as long as a week the the rest of his 40 days shall be regular days.
See photo attached for the Anti christ from descriptions Muslims have, photo was drawn 1000 years a go by Al Kortoby, a famous muslim scientist.
- Anti Christ المسيح الدجال
He (Antichrist) shall go every where on earth except Mekkah and Madina (in Saudi Arabia) Also he is going to have mountains of bread while people can't find anything to eat.
As well he shall have two rivers one he called heaven and the other he called hell, and what he calls hell is heaven and what he calls heaven is the hell.
He shall have Devils and angels working for him, so when he orders the sky to rain it will do so, and he shall make the lands alive after being drought, and shall make dead people alive. and he can only make one person no more a live, as God granted this miracle to him only one time; the one he's going to kill to prove to people that he can make dead alive.
He then shall siege muslims at the Syrian mountain (Golan heights maybe) until Jesus comes down to earth and save the muslims and kill him.
End of Hadith
Now you can see that we have the acceleration ratio of Earth and i hope this would make some sense to some one to explain for us what could be the reasons earth would make a circle around it self in 365 days ?
Next time shall be talking about a verse from Qur'an describes the planet's approach, the Muslims themselves don't even know that the verse is about Nibiru ! it was called : Al-Tareque" and also describes a plot (conspiracy) being planed from some people to hide the fact of the planet
As per Mohamed the Prophet may God bless him:
رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم : " يخرج الدجال في خفقة من الدين وإدبار
من العلم فله أربعون ليلة يسيحها في الأرض اليوم منها كالسنة واليوم منها
كالشهر واليوم منها كالجمعة ثم سائر أيامه كأيامكم هذه وله حمار يركبه عرض
ما يبن أذنيه أربعو...ن ذراعا فيقول للناس : أنا ربكم
وهو أعور وإن ربكم
ليس بأعور مكتوب بين عينيه ك ف ر مهجاة يقرؤه كل مؤمن كاتب وغير كاتب يرد
كل ماء منهل إلا المدينة ومكة حرمهما الله عليه وقامت الملائكة بأبوابها
ومعه جبال من خبز والناس في جهد إلا من اتبعه ومعه نهران أنا أعلم بهما منه
نهر يقول الجنة ونهر يقول النار فمن دخل الذي يسميه الجنة فهي النار ومن
دخل الذي يسميه النار فهي الجنة
وتبعث معه شياطين تكلم الناس ومعه فتنة
عظيمة يأمر السماء فتمطر فيما يرى الناس ويقتل نفسا ثم يحييه لا يسلط على
غيرها من الناس فيما يرى الناس فيقول للناس : أيها الناس هل يفعل مثل هذا
إلا الرب ؟ فيفر المسلمون إلى جبل الدخان بالشام فيأتهم فيحصرهم فيشتد
حصارهم ويجهدهم جهدا شديدا
ثم ينزل عيسى فينادي من السحر فيقول : يا أيها
الناس ما يمنعكم أن تخرجوا إلى الكذاب الخبيث ؟ فيقولون : هذا رجل حي
فينطلقون فإذا هم بعيسى فتقام الصلاة فيقال له : تقدم يا روح الله فيقول :
ليتقدم إمامكم فليصل بكم فإذا صلوا الصبح خرجوا إليه فحين يراه الكذاب
ينماث كما ينماث الملح في الماء فيمشي إليه فيقتله حتى إن الشجرة تنادي
: يا روح الله هذا يهودي فلا يترك ممن كان يتبعه أحد إلا قتله.
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